RecruItment process
Each stage of your recruitment process with LACROIX is an opportunity to get to know each other better. Our aim is to work with you to assess the match between your skills, your aspirations and what the Group can offer you in terms of career development.
Our process

Learn about LACROIX and job opportunities matching your expectations.

You are interested in a job? Send us your resume !

In any case, you will receive an answer from us.

You will find out more about LACROIX, the job and your future team. We will get to know you better.

The decision to work together is a mutual one.

You will join an environment designed to help you make the most of your new position.

Be prepared
This is key to feeling comfortable and ensuring that you share everything you want with your interviewer!
Be clear about the reasons you’re here and what you’re looking for: this will help you present your aspirations in the best possible way.
Think about what the position you’re applying for has in common with your background and skills: these are your strengths.
Know what information you want to find during the interview.
Be prepared to speak English (or another language) if the position requires it.
If you’re remote, have your technical equipment ready. If you’re coming to meet us, be sure to plan your journey.

Be curious
Gathering information beforehand will give you a better understanding of the context of the position you’re interested in.
Here are some suggested sources of information:
Our corporate website >
Our social networks >
Our annual report >
Interviews are also a good time to ask any questions you may have : learn about our positionning, strategy, projects, know-how and technologies will help you picturing yourself in your future job.

Be yourself !
A good level of preparation and information will enable you to have in this discussion with a positive attitude.
Act natural to reveal your personality.
Don’t overstate yourself, as this could do you a disservice later on.
Being honest about your expectations and doubts will enable us to have a genuine exchange and build a relationship based on trust.
When you arrive

Your arrival is organized with your manager and HR, who will be in contact with you to set up your start-up.

First Day
Your manager welcomes you and introduces you to your teams and your office environment. Your HR will have some time with you to share all important and useful information about being an employee at LACROIX.

Your integration plan is prepared in advance, and meetings with your key contacts are scheduled to facilitate your induction. In-house training is also organized.

Your manager will plan regular meetings all along your onboarding. You will also have specific discussions around your fresh insights and the ending of your trial period.
Want to start a new adventure with LACROIX?
All our open jobs are online !